What is ALBIR.LIFE? Living in Albir, Spain is great, and it is always good to know what is available and when. Whether you are a long term resident, a regular holiday home visitor or just passing through on a short vacation we have what you need to make the most of your time here with the Albir Directory and Guide.
Interested in events that are happening in the local area or perhaps you have an event to publicise. Get listed on the FREE Albir.Life Event Guide. Good for live music, karaoke, pub quiz, bingo, sports meeting, dog walking and all other events. Listed on the Albir Directory.
Albir offers a wide range of shopping opportunities and a massive selection of cafés, bars and restaurants. On this site we list everything, along with real customer reviews. This helps you decide where you want to go, unlike most other Albir guides which provide recommendations based on paid advertising. Also find your local self-employed tradespeople that provide all manner of different services for your home and lifestyle. If you are self-employed, offer a professional trade service or work from home then please register yourself here.
All the information about Albir, businesses, shops, locations, maps and events is available 24hr a day at your fingertips on your mobile with our App for phone/tablet. DOWNLOAD